Thursday, November 28, 2013

Graphical User Interface (GUI) of AutoCAD 2011

Graphical User Interface of AutoCAD 2011 - 2D Drafting & Annotation Workspace

Before attempting to learn any piece of software it is better to get yourself acquainted with its Graphical User Interface.  It is very similar to a cook or a chef, before attempting to cook any dish you must be prepared with the cooking utensils you need, and the right and fresh ingredients at the least.

The first time you launch AutoCAD you will be greeted by the screen above.  This is called the Graphical User Interface (GUI).  To be specific, in AutoCAD this screen setup of tools and menus is actually called a Workspace.  There are a variety of Workspaces available in AutoCAD and you can switch between these Workspaces. I will show how these workspaces can be of advantage to your workflow on a later discussion.

Here's the first half of the 2D Drafting & Annotation Workspace screen:
So, let us go on and identify items on the screen above, and I don't want to talk too much about these items but nonetheless you may have an idea what they are.  The truth is, you won't be needing to know every tool available with AutoCAD eventually you will try to find out and search for a tool that would suit your requirement.  Just I always say "If you have a question, Google it.".

Menu Browser
This is the icon that displays the big letter "A" and acts in similar fashion like the Windows Start button or Firefox Menu button.  When you click this button it will show you that somewhat same Pull Down menus that were present in previous releases of AutoCAD but in a temporary hidden vertical fashion.  Basic functionality of this browser is to handle drawing file management.

As I have mentioned, Graphical User Interface of AutoCAD are simply Workspaces in AutoCAD and you can simply switch between these spaces.  The workspaces that are available are:

  • 2D Drafting and Annotation
  • 3D Basic
  • 3D Modeling
  • AutoCAD Classic

Moreover, you can customize the Workspace you want and save it, use it, and re-use it as your need arises.  Like in my case I have my own 2D Workspace and 3D Workspace.

Quick Access Toolbar
This toolbar contains commands such as "New", "Save", "Save As", and "Print" drawing.  And you can add more tools to this toolbar.

Drawing Area
This is were you do your drawing entities or geometric figures.  To relate to a painter, this is simply your canvass.

This is simply your mouse pointer.  You can consider this as your electronic pen, or your brush.  You can do selection and manipulation of your entities using the cursor.

Status Bar
You can find here the coordinate readout on the extreme left which displays the current location of the cursor in X, Y, and Z coordinate.  You would notice that these numbers changes as you move your cursor inside the drawing area.  Next to the right of the coordinate readout are Toggle tools like the Object Snap, Ortho Mode, etc.  Toggle means you can set these tools either on "on mode" or on "off mode".

UCS Icon
UCS stands for User Coordinate System. This icon represent your sense of orientation inside the drawing area.  You can customize the orientation of the UCS icon anytime and save it for future use.  It is very useful to understand on how to use the UCS icon when the time comes you've wanted to learn 3D in AutoCAD.  We'll talk more of these later in 3D topics.

Model Space (Model tab)
There are only two spaces in AutoCAD, one is the Model Space and the other one is Paper Space.  The Model Space is the space wherein you draw geometric entities in 1:1 scale.  These spaces are organized in a tab form.

Paper Space (Layout tab)
If you're done doing your drawing it's time to complete it up by arranging them onto the Paper Space by means of setting up several viewports.  I will talk about viewports under printing/plotting topic.  In Paper Space, this is were you put also your title block, annotations, and notes that will constitute and call the product as a drawing document.  Note that in AutoCAD there would be one and only Model Space but you can have several Paper Spaces (or Layouts).

Here's the second half of the 2D Drafting & Annotation Workspace screen:

Drawing Title
This area shows information of the AutoCAD version and the drawing title

Ribbon are the previous set of toolbars found in the previous releases of AutoCAD but arranged in an single rectangular block.  If you are an AutoCAD beginner you would love the Ribbon.  But if you are a veteran AutoCAD user who is fond of using command aliases you would be intimidated with it and it also occupies a great real estate space of your Drawing Area but minimizing it would solve the problem.

Info Center
The Info Center behaves like an omni Search Box for anything AutoCAD.  Help on-the-fly I may say.

AutoCAD Specific Windows Controls, Drawing Specific Windows Controls, Vertical Scroll Bar, Horizontal Scroll Bar
Nothing to fancy about them but these items are self explanatory and you would normally see them on any other windows application.

View Cube
This is for navigating in 3D.  3D means 3-Dimensional.  If you drew entities in 3D meaning figures that has depth then View Cube would be of great help for viewing appreciation purposes.

Navigation Bar
Tools in here are for navigating in 2D space.  3D Orbit command is also included herein.  Eventually, you won't be needing this toolbar if you employ key presses, and mouse wheel manipulation.

Status Bar
Again, the other right half of the Status Bar.  It contains additional toggles and switching buttons.

Lastly, joining the two images together.

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